Introducing Beegle

We have started a new start-up called Beegle to help you people with getting an extra pair of hands in their day to day lives. Idea started with a need of having someone to assist while conducting small events, or daily chores or in those times when one is not as mobile due to being…

Learning Forever

I’m becoming better everyday. So much so that I’m getting closer to God. (Learning is a regular process that has to continue forever. But while we learn and get better, the time keeps running and we keep going closer to the death.)

Fortune Favours the Logician

It may be simple stuff for some, but it took a while for me to get the right answer for this question. So, penning it down. Say you have this situation while declaring a hand. Dummy♥ Axx♣ Kxx You♥ Kxxx♣ AJxx You are playing a suit contract. You can afford to lose only one trick…

ठोस कदम, ठूस नियोजन

(विमुद्रीकरण पर मेरे किसी भी प्रकार से राजनीतिक या अर्थ व्यवस्था सम्बंधित ठोस विचार नहीं हैं, और ना ही मेरा किसी राजनीतिक दल से जुड़ाव या लगाव है। ये व्यंग्य विमुद्रीकरण के नियोजन एवं प्रबंधन के लिए की गयी तैयारी का मात्र एक काल्पनिक चित्रण है.) मोदी: : भाइयों,आज आपको यहां कुछ ख़ास काम और…

Sum up blogs of past

Here’re the blogs I tried in past: Glass is half empty: This was my default blog earlier, but it is the defunct blog now. Just for hits: I created this blog for documenting all the stuff that I don’t find answer to or information of on search engines. Lost the steam. Tyro Investor: I created…